I read an article today by author Connally Gilliam, of which the following is an excerpt:
"Last spring I was in Colorado for another conference. I spent one lunch hour with Esther, a wise and beautiful African woman, who in her fifties, is still single. She is the sort of woman whose eyes make me want to trade secrets. [I love that description!] Our conversation meandered from work to men. 'Esther,' I asked, 'do you think you've been called to be single?' She sat, quiet, and looked at me... With a lilt in her voice she said, "Yes, Connally, for today I am called to be single. I cannot say about tomorrow.'
For today I am called to be single. I cannot say about tomorrow. That is how I want to live: not anxiously asking why but simply looking for what is supposed to be for today."
Connally goes on to reference the story about Jesus and the man who was born blind. The disciples ask Jesus who is to blame for the man's state, and Jesus responds, "This happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life."
Connally concludes, "Wouldn't it be something if the next time someone asked you, 'So, why aren't you married yet?' you paused, looked him or her in the eye, and then quietly replied, 'Honestly, the bottom line is pretty simple. The reason I'm not married is so that today the work of God might be displayed in my life.'"
Tonight I'm attending the 30th birthday bash of a gorgeous, intelligent, accomplished and godly girlfriend, who happens to be single. Over the past few years we've engaged in countless conversations about relationships, desires, heartache, growth, and life. I know she's heard this question scores of times, and felt the pain that goes with it.
Though it is slight balm for these wounds, I am so thankful for the friendship of this beautiful woman, in whose life I have been priviledged to see the work of God on display.
May it be so in mine.