Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Subject-O-Matique: Did You Know?

Hey all you Yahoo! Mail users. Did you know about this amusing feature of the new Yahoo! mail? When you've got a tab open to compose a new message, there are fields for "To:", "Cc:" and "Subject:" with corresponding buttons to the left. The button for To and Cc give you a pop-up window with access to your contacts, while the Subject button activates the "Subject-O-Matiqe", a random subject line generator that churns out some entertaining results, such as

Waterbeds for Quadrupeds
Early bird gets the worm. But what about the early worm?
Nobody deserves a mime, Buffy.
Do watch dogs know they're working?
chai tea vs. tai chi
Sorry I missed you. Stand still next time.
There's a great juggler on the radio tonight!

Okay, well, I'm amused by this, and since I just happened to discover this by accident I thought I'd share the random subject love. Enjoy.

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