Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Now that's a headline...

Pajama-Clad Cow Statue Stolen From Billboard

This story reminds me of the time I was walking to the dining commons for breakfast at Taylor and noticed that pranksters had deposited one of those enormous Big Boy statues in the library parking lot. I don't know how campus safety got it out of there (and I'm even more curious how the pranksters got it there in the first place) but it was gone by the time I left for class.


Michelle said...

When I read this I laughed out loud because I was just telling someone that story a few days ago!! No kidding! I SO remember that! Also, Walt Campbell getting up every year in chapel and saying, "whoever stole baby Jesus, will you PLEASE return him!?!" without trying to laugh :) :) Good times :)

suz said...

Yes! I also enjoyed the time a couple of the fiberglass wise men (and their camel) ended up on the platform in the middle of Taylor Lake. :) Good times, indeed.

hmb said...

I'm pretty confident that the Big Boy was in Campus Safety's possession from many years ago when Sammy boys stole it from somewhere. It would appear every summer in the gym parking lot for basketball camp and return to its home in a storage unit somewhere. I would like to meet the guy who had keys to every building.